Visibility and Access Properties of Worksheet Columns

You control the visibility of and access to the column using options on the Configure Column Properties page. The type of column you're configuring determines whether this section is available.

Main Column Settings

Determine whether to include the column in the worksheet and if people can only view data or can also update it using main column settings. If you enable the column, you can also specify whether it should not appear until the manager opts to show it. If you initially hide the column, you need to enable View on the Actions tab so that managers can show it. You can also control general column access. If you set role-based overrides, the main column access setting applies to all roles not identified as part of the override.

Role-Based Overrides

You can refine column visibility and access by roles. You select the main column setting you want to override. Next you specify whether the override applies to either the people who have the added roles or who have none of them. And then you add the applicable roles. Any role-based overrides take precedent over the main column visibility and access settings.

We recommend that you configure the main column setting to apply to the majority of roles. Then, configure the override settings for the least affected roles.

Example Configurations

You want everyone but line managers to see the current compa-ratio column.

  1. Enable the Salary Range Compa-Ratio - Current column.
  2. In the column properties Visibility and Access section, set Override Setting to Not Enabled.
  3. Set Condition to User has any of these roles.
  4. Add the Line Manager role.

You want everyone to see the Individual Performance Multiplier user-defined column but only compensation managers to update values.

  1. Enable a user-defined numeric column and name it Individual Performance Multiplier.
  2. In the column properties Visibility and Access section, set Override Setting to Updatable.
  3. Set Condition to User has any of these roles.
  4. Add the Compensation Manager role.

You want everyone to see and update the Individual Performance Multiplier user-defined column. You don't want alternate approvers who aren't compensation or line managers to view or update it.

  1. Enable a user-defined numeric column and name it Individual Performance Multiplier.
  2. In the column properties Visibility and Access section, set Override Setting to Not enabled.
  3. Set Condition to User has none of these roles.Add the Line Manager and Compensation Manager roles.