Grade Determines the Levels of Approval for a Salary Change

You control salary approvals with the ChangeSalaryApprovalTask workflow.

Here's an idea of how you can configure the default workflow to set different levels of required approval. In this example, the required levels depend on the grade. If the requester's grade is X, then require only one level of approval. If the requester's grade is Y, then require two levels of approval.


Edit approval workflows using the Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Complete these steps on the Assignees tab.

  1. Create the rule where the requester's grade is X.

    1. Create this IF expression:

      Task.payload.Requestor's Assignment.result.grade.toUpperCase() is "X"
    2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

      Then Field Value
      List Builder Supervisory
      Response Type


      This response type makes the notification actionable, instead of just informational.

      Number of levels 1
      Starting Participant
      Top Participant
      Auto Action Enabled False
      Auto Action null
      Rule Name
  2. Create the rule where the requester's grade is Y.

    1. Create this IF expression:
      Task.payload.Requestor's Assignment.result.grade.toUpperCase() is "Y"
    2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

      Then Field Value
      List Builder Supervisory
      Response Type


      This response type makes the notification actionable, instead of just informational.

      Number of levels 2
      Starting Participant
      Top Participant
      HierarchyBuilder.getManagerOfHierarchyPrincipal("supervisory",HierarchyBuilder.getManager  ("supervisory",Task.payload.transactionApprovalRequest.Requestor,-1,null,null))
      Auto Action Enabled False
      Auto Action null
      Rule Name