Guidelines to Create Total Compensation Statement Definitions

The statement definition acts as a template and determines the layout and content of the generated statement. The statement definition configures the display of compensation items added to compensation categories.

This topic explains:

  • Statement definition approaches

  • Reuse of statements and components

  • Editing categories

  • Statement display flexibility

  • Iterative design process

Statement Definition Approaches

You can create statement definitions using either of the following approaches:

  • Create the item and category components as you the build statement hierarchy.

  • Define the item and category building block components first, and then associate them hierarchically.

The second approach promotes reuse of items and categories across multiple statements.

You can also share statement definitions across environments or with your colleagues by using the Export XML and Import XML actions. When you import you'll have objects that are in progress. If you share statement definitions with colleagues, then your sources will be different. Categories and subcategories display partially completed icons. You need to complete any unfinished items or categories. Then, generate statements using the newly imported Statement Definition.

Reuse of Statements and Components

You can:

  • Include multiple legal employers, multiple countries, and multiple currencies in one statement.

  • Add compensation items with sources that belong to different legal employers.

  • Use the same categories in multiple statements.

  • Reuse statement definitions by adding new statement periods and then modify the definition for subsequent periods.

  • Duplicate a definition as the starting point for other definitions.

Editing Categories

Edits to categories affect all statement definitions that use that category (as a category or subcategory). This applies whether you make the edits from the Manage Compensation Categories page or the Manage Statement Definitions page. Exception: Compensation category display names are local to the statement definition where you create or edit the name and don't impact the compensation category.

Statement Display Flexibility

Top-level categories in the statement definition appear in the optional summary page and as separate pages in the statement.

The optional summary page:

  • Provides workers with high-level view of their total compensation in graphs and tables

  • Displays summed totals of top-level categories included in monetary and nonmonetary sections

Viewers can drill down to detailed category pages from the summary page or use regional area navigation links, depending on how you configure the category.

Iterative Design Process

Configuring top-level compensation categories and statement definitions is an iterative process. You generate, view, purge, and regenerate your statements multiple times while editing category and statement definition and display options.