On Eligibility Option for Grade Step Transaction Date

When Transaction Date is On eligibility, the update assignment date is the actual date in the specified period when the person met the eligibility criteria.

Specify the period using the Effective Date and parameters for the eligibility look-back period when you submit or schedule the Run Grade Step Progression process.

Specify the Period

To run the process for a specific evaluation period, set the end date of the period by selecting an effective date. Set the start date of the period by selecting an eligibility evaluation start date. For example, you want the process to evaluate eligibility for all dates from August 2 through 15, 2021. You set Effective Date to August 15, 2021 and Eligibility Evaluation Start Date to August 2, 2021. For a person who meets the eligibility criteria on August 2, the process sets the assignment transaction date to August 2, 2021. For a person who meets the eligibility criteria on August 3, it sets the date to August 3, 20201. And it continues this way, up to and including August 15.

Have the Process Decide the Period

To run the process on a schedule, leave the effective date blank. This way each instance of the process can set the effective date to the system date when it runs. Set Days Back from Effective Date to the appropriate numeric value so the process can calculate a start date each time it runs. For example, you want to run the process every 2 weeks just before the biweekly payroll run. To specify an evaluation period that covers the 2-week period since the process last ran, set Days Back from Effective Date to 13. When it runs, the process subtracts 13 days from the effective date to get the start date of the evaluation period. When the process runs on August 15, it sets Effective Date to August 15, 2021. It then calculates that the evaluation period starts on August 2, 2021.

The maximum evaluation period is 40 days. You can evaluate eligibility for a longer period by breaking your process up into multiple periods that are shorter than 40 days.

When Eligible Before the Evaluation Period Start Date

When people meet the eligibility criteria before the evaluation period start date, the process sets their assignment start dates to the period start date. For example, the evaluation period is August 2 through 15, 2021, but a person met the eligibility criteria on July 31, 2021. The process sets their assignment start date to August 2, 2021. For the process to set the person's assignment start date to July 31, 2021, the evaluation period would need to include July 31.