Other Details of Transfer Workforce Compensation Data to HR Process

To filter the people whose data you want to transfer to HR, configure the other details of the Transfer Workforce Compensation Data to HR process. For example, you can specify to include only the subordinates of specific managers and build a condition that identifies inclusion criteria to apply. You can also use a person selection formula and include people who's changes were approved to a specific level.

Tip: The statistics you can view contain only the people included using the manager hierarchy and worker inclusion criteria. The statistics don't contain people included using the person selection formula or people with changes approved to the specified level.

Workers Approved at Least N Levels Up

To include people's changes in the transfer process, the changes need to be part of Approved plans in the specified levels. For example, if you select 1, the transfer process includes the approved plan changes from the lowest level of the plan hierarchy.

If you select 3, the transfer process includes the approved plan changes from the three lowest levels of the plan hierarchy. If plan changes for the third level up are In Approvals, the transfer process includes only the approved changes for the first two levels. It excludes the changes for the third level because they're pending approval.

Mark Assignments as Processed

Every time you run the transfer process, you need to specify whether to mark assignments as processed.

  • No: When the process successfully posts the assignments, it process marks them as partially processed. This option lets a future transfer process post changes for other unprocessed details. For example, you transfer only stock details in a process that doesn't mark assignment as processed. Later, for the same people, you transfer salary and promotion details.
  • Yes: When the process successfully posts the assignments, it marks them as fully processed. To process any further changes, you need to run the Back Out Workforce Compensation Data process, for the appropriate transfer process ID. You can find that process ID in various reports available using the View Administration Reports.