Alternate Approver Table in Worksheet Approval Configuration

By default, the approval hierarchy for a workforce compensation plan is the primary plan hierarchy. To have people other than primary plan managers handle approvals, select an alternate approver table when you configure approvals for worksheets.

Typically, you use alternate approver hierarchies when you transition approval control from managers to the HR department.

You can set an alternate approver for a specified worksheet manager when you create the alternate approver table. The worksheet manager options come from the primary plan hierarchy. The alternate approver that you select replaces the person who would otherwise approve plan changes submitted by the specified worksheet manager. The alternate approver doesn't replace the specified worksheet manager in the approval hierarchy. Thus the alternate doesn't approve plan changes that the specified worksheet manager normally approves.

Each alternate approver approves plan changes according to their approval sequence. The person with the lowest approval sequence approves first and the person with the highest sequence approves last.

Tip: If you add or delete alternate approvers in a table, you need to run the Refresh Workforce Compensation Data process afterward. You don't need to run the process if you only change the approval sequence of existing alternate approvers.