Route Approval for Recurring Individual Allocation When the Amount Changes by a Percentage

You control individual compensation approvals with the VariableAllocationTask workflow.

Here's how you can configure the default workflow to handle approvals for percentage changes to recurring awards made using responsive compensation pages. You use an approval configuration like this because the responsive pages split updates at submission. In this example, you configure these variable allocation rules to account for both recurring and nonrecurring elements associated with the awards and contributions.

Rule Name Purpose
RecurUnder10% Route recurring awards and contributions with changes that are less than 10%.
OnetimeUnder10% Route onetime awards and contributions with changes that are less than 10%.
Onetime10%plus Route onetime awards and contributions with changes that are 10% or more.
Recur10%plus Route recurring awards and contributions with changes that are 10% or more.
Caution: To make sure that any simultaneous updates happen correctly, confirm that the elements associated with the individual compensation plans have Multiple entries not allowed selected.

Edit approval workflows using the Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Complete these steps on the Assignees tab.

Enable Advanced Mode

  1. Expand the VariableAllocatiRules rule.
  2. Click the Show Advanced Settings icon, which is between the Expand icon and the rule name.
  3. Select Advanced Mode.

Create the RecurUnder10% Rule

  1. Create this IF expression:

    Task is a Task
    Lists is a Lists
    Each {
    		ICD is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    			FirstAmouont = ICD.Amount.doubleValue() and
    			Frequency = ICD.Other Compensation Award Frequency and
    			FirstPlanId = ICD.planId and
    			FirstOptionId = ICD.Other Compensation Option Id and
    			Mflag = ICD.multipleEntriesAllowedFlag.toUpperCase()
    		ICD2 is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    			SecondAmount = ICD2.Amount.doubleValue()
    			ChangePercent = ((SecondAmount-FirstAmount/FirstAmount)*100
    			SecondPlanId = ICD1.planId
    			SecondOptionId = ICD2.Other Compensation Option Id
    				(Frequency is "R" and
    				 Mflag is "Y" and
    				 SecondPlanId is FirstPlanId and
    				 SecondOptionId is FirstOptionId and
    				 ChangePercent less than 10.00 and
    				 ChangePercent more than 0)
  2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

    THEN Field Value
    List Builder Resource
    Response Time


    This response type makes the notification actionable, instead of just informational.

    Users X
    Groups null
    Application Role null
    Rule Name "RecurUnder10%"
    Dimension Id null

Create the OnetimeUnder10% Rule

  1. Create this IF expression:

    Task is a Task
    Lists is a Lists
    Each {
    		ICD is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    		ICD.Other Compensation Change in Value Percentage less than 10.00
  2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

    THEN Field Value
    List Builder Resource
    Response Time Required
    Users X
    Groups null
    Application Role null
    Rule Name "OnetimeUnder10%"
    Dimension Id null

Create the Onetime10%plus Rule

  1. Create this IF expression:

    Tasks is a Task
    Lists is a Lists
    Each 	{
    		ICD is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    		ICD.Other Compensation Change in Value Percentage.doubleValue() same or more than 10.00
  2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

    THEN Field Value
    List Builder Resource
    Response Time


    This response type makes the notification actionable, instead of just informational.

    Users X
    Groups null
    Application Role null
    Rule Name "Onetime10%plus"
    Dimension Id null

Create the Recur10%plus Rule

  1. Create this IF expression:

    Task is a Task
    Lists is a Lists
    Each {
    		ICD is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    		FirstAmount = ICD.Amount.doubleValue() and
    		Frequency = ICD.Other Compensation Award Frequency and
    		FirstPlanId = ICD.planId and
    		FirstOptionId = ICD.Other Compensation Option Id and
    		Mflag = ICD.multipleEntriesAllowedFlag.toUpperCase()
    		ICD2 is a Worker's Other Compensation Details and
    		SecondAmount = ICD2.Amount.doubleValue()
    		ChangePercent = ((SecondAmount-FirstAmount)/FirstAmount)*100
    		SecondPlanId = ICD2.planId
    		SecondOptionId = ICD2.Other Compensation Option Id
    			(ChangePercent same or more than 10.00 and
    			 Frequency is "R" and
    			 Mflag is "Y" and
    			 SecondPlanId is FirstPlanId and
    			 SecondOptionId is FirstOptionId and
    			 ChangePercent more than 0)
  2. Complete the THEN fields, as shown here.

    THEN Field Value
    List Builder Resource
    Response Time Required
    Users X
    Groups null
    Application Role null
    Rule Name "Recur10%plus"
    Dimension Id null