Alert Notifications for Workforce Scheduling

You can configure alert notifications that keep workers and schedule managers informed about the generated schedules, upcoming publish schedule dates, and the self-scheduling process.

Use the Tools > Alerts Composer task. To schedule the Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts process, use the Tools > Scheduled Processes task.

These are the relevant alerts:

Name Code Description Send Method
HTS Work Pattern Created ORA-HTS003 Notify worker that they've a new work pattern. Automatically as part of the Create action
HTS Work Pattern Deleted ORA-HTS005 Notify worker of work pattern deletion. Automatically as part of the Delete action
HTS Work Pattern Updated ORA-HTS004 Notify worker that their work pattern was changed. Automatically as part of the Update action
HTS Workload Consolidation During Active Schedule Period ORA-HTS006 Notify schedule managers about workload values being updated during an active schedule period. Automatically as part of the Update action
HTS Schedule Generation Failure Notice ORA-HTS012 Notify schedule managers that their schedule generation failed. Automatically as part of the Generate schedule process
HTS Schedule Generation Notice ORA-HTS007 Notify schedule managers that their schedules were generated. Automatically as part of the Generate schedule process
HTS Schedule to Finalize Before Publish HTS_FINALIZE_SCHEDULE Notify schedule managers about schedules that they need to finish before publish. Automatically as part of the Generate schedule process
HTS Schedule Validation Completed HTS_VALIDATE_SCHEDULE Notify schedule managers that the schedule validation process completed. Automatically as part of the Validate schedule process
Published Schedule alert for Scheduler ORA-HTS009 Notify schedule managers that their schedules were published. Automatically as part of the Publish schedule process
Published Schedule Notification for Worker ORA-HTS008 Notify workers that their schedules were published. Automatically as part of the Publish schedule process
Published Schedule with Open Shifts Alert for Float Worker HTS_SCH_PUBLISH_WITH_FLOAT_WKR Notify float workers that their schedules were published and there are open shifts they can claim. Automatically as part of the Generate schedule process
Published Schedule with Open Shifts Alert for Worker HTS_SCH_PUBLISH_NO_FLOAT_WKR Notify workers that their schedules were published and there are open shifts they can claim. Automatically as part of the Generate schedule process
HTS Workforce Schedule Unpublished for Scheduler ORA-HTS011 Notification to Schedule manager that their schedule is unpublished Automatically as part of the Unpublish schedule process
HTS Workforce Schedule Unpublished for worker ORA-HTS010 Notification to worker that their schedule is unpublished Automatically as part of the Unpublish schedule process
Self-Scheduling Period Opening Soon HTS_SS_SCHEDULED_TO_OPEN Notify workers that the self-scheduling period is opening soon. Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts scheduled process
Self-Scheduling Period Closing HTS_SS_SCHEDULED_TO_CLOSE Notify workers that the self-scheduling period is closing soon. Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts scheduled process
Self-Scheduling Period Open HTS_SS_OPEN Notify workers that the self-scheduling period is open. Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts scheduled process
Self-Scheduling Period Closed HTS_SS_CLOSED Notify workers that the self-scheduling period is closed. Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts scheduled process
Self-Scheduling Period Officially Closed HTS_SS_CLOSED_SCHEDULER Notify schedule managers that the self-scheduling period has officially closed. Process Workforce Scheduling Alerts scheduled process
HTS Schedule Publication ORA-HTS001 Notify workers that new schedules are available Automatically as part of the Publish schedule process
HTS Workforce Shift Assigned to Worker HTS_SHIFT_ASSIGNED_TO_WORKER Notify the worker that an assigned shift was added to their published schedule. Automatically as part of the Assign Shift action
HTS Workforce Shift Updated for Assigned Worker HTS_SHIFT_UPDATED_WORKER Notify the worker that an assigned shift was updated in their published schedule. Automatically as part of the Edit Shift action
HTS Workforce Shift Unassigned to Worker HTS_SHIFT_UNASSIGNED_WORKER Notify the worker that a shift was unassigned from their published schedule. Automatically as part of the Unassign Shift action
HTS Workforce Shift Deleted for Worker HTS_SHIFT_DELETED_WORKER Notify the worker that an assigned shift was deleted from their published schedule. Automatically as part of the Delete Shift action
New Open Shift Alert to Workers HTS_ADD_SHIFT_WKR Notify workers that new open shifts were added to a schedule period. Automatically as part of the Add action
HTS Shift Filled HTS_SCHEDULE_ME_OPPORTUNITY_FILLED Notify schedule manager when a schedule-me opportunity is filled. Automatically as part of the Accept action