Configure an Expiration Policy for Swap Shift Approvals

To make sure that swap shift approvals are completed within a certain period, you can configure an expiration policy. By default, managers with area of responsibility for the department associated with the requested shift swap get the approval notifications.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for and select the Manage Task Configurations for Human Capital Management task.
  2. In BPM Worklist, on the Task Configuration tab, search for and select SwapShiftApprovalTask.
  3. On the Tasks to be configured toolbar, click the Edit task icon.
  4. On the Deadlines subtab, set a due date, if needed.
  5. Set the expiration policy.
    1. Expand the Expiration Settings section.
    2. To ensure that all approvals are completed within a certain period, select Task Level.
    3. Enter a duration.
    4. Leave the Expire only option selected.
    5. Optionally select the Exclude Saturday and Sunday checkbox.
  6. On the Tasks to be configured toolbar, click the Commit task icon.