Generate Workforce Schedules

As a schedule manager, generate workforce schedules for workers in the specified staffing departments that you support. Use the My Client Groups > Workforce Schedules quick action.

On the Workforce Schedules page, the Generate Schedule button opens the Generate schedule drawer where you select the appropriate schedule generation profile, staffing departments, scheduling period, and schedules.

Generate schedules using one of these options:

Schedule Generation Option Description
Only fixed time work patterns Generate the schedules for only workers who have fixed days and time work patterns.
Open shifts and fixed time work patterns Generate the schedules for only workers who have fixed days and time work patterns. Then generate open shifts that match the remaining workload. Workers can claim these open shifts during the self-scheduling period, and schedule managers can assign them.
Automatically assigned Generate schedules that match the workload for all workers given their work patterns, their weekly FTE hours and the configured scheduling rules.
Note: The workforce schedules you can generate depend on the staffing departments for schedule generation profiles with you as a scheduler, and your area of responsibility.

When the generate schedule process runs, it checks the schedule against these items:

  • Scheduling rules set in the schedule generation profile
  • Workers’ work patterns
  • Overlapping shifts
  • Approved absences
  • Department assignments
  • Overstaffing and understaffing coverage variances

So that the process applies these rules correctly, it also considers the previous and next schedules for the affected workers. For example, while checking that the rest period between work shifts is honored, the process needs to see if the worker was scheduled to work the day before this schedule period starts.