Manage Workforce Schedules

Manage the workforce schedules for the staffing departments you support using the My Client Groups > Workforce Schedules quick action. For example, view a schedule and any associated notes, add open shifts, assign shifts, publish future schedules, and unpublish schedules.

You can see the shifts organized by job or worker, for the day, week, or 2 weeks on the schedule page. And you can view critical information when you hover your mouse over a shift. You can also open the shift details drawer by right-clicking and selecting shift details.

To review Job view coverage variance details for each day, in both 1-week and 2-week timelines, open the coverage variance drawer under the schedule. You can review the number of hours or workers you're overstaffed or understaffed for each job by daily intervals. Overstaffing and understaffing variance hours appear in red to help you identify schedule gaps.

To review schedule metrics for workers with shifts, such as their FTE, total scheduled regular hours for the metrics range, scheduled on-call hours, and total scheduled hours for the whole schedule period, open the drawer under the Worker view. For floating resources, total scheduled includes all departments their scheduled for, not just the department the schedule is for. Total scheduled doesn't include on-call hours, absences, or paid breaks. If the total scheduled hours don't match the worker's FTE in the metric range, the hours are highlighted in red.

You can validate the schedule against these items:
  • Scheduling rules set in the schedule generation profile
  • Workers’ work patterns • Overlapping shifts
  • Absences that are approved or pending approval
  • Department assignments
  • Overstaffing and understaffing coverage variances

So that the process applies these rules correctly, it also considers the previous and next schedules for the affected workers. For example, while checking that the rest period between work shifts is honored, the process needs to see if the worker was scheduled to work the day before this schedule period starts.

Use the Jobs view More Actions > Validate Schedule option.

You’re limited in what you can do with shifts during the self-scheduling windows. For example, you can’t publish the schedule during this window or change worker-claimed shifts.

Note: The workforce schedules you can access depend on the staffing departments for schedule generation profiles with you as a scheduler, and your area of responsibility.


  • Shifts with day start times that fall on the previous or next day are marked on the calendar day with an * (asterisk).
  • Public holidays defined for locations and using geographical trees show on workforce schedules, as do pending and approved absences. So do shifts with swap, drop, and cover requests. You can access pending approval details from the shift details drawer.
  • Color bars on the left side of shifts identify assignment sources and if the worker is a floating resource:

    • Black: Automatically staffed as part of the schedule generation process
    • Green: Assigned worker is floating from another department
    • Teal: Worker assigned the shift to them self
    • Lavender: Scheduler assigned the shift