Contract Types for France

This topic explains the contract types that France supports. To define a contract for the employee's term of employment, use the Manage Employment Information task. You can select the contract type and specify relevant contract information in the Contract Details section.

France supports the following contract types:

  • Standard contract

  • Apprenticeship contract

  • Professionalization contract

  • Unique employment initiative contract (CUI-CIE)

France supports the obsolete contract types only for data integrity purposes. The application can integrate existing employees with obsolete contract types, but you can't assign them to new employees.

Contract types determine which employees are included in the various legal reports.

Standard Contracts

Select the contract type Standard and contract duration type as either Permanent (CDI) or the Fixed-term (CDD).

  • Permanent (CDI): No specific end date is required for CDI. You can include the professionalization contract period or employment initiative contract period in a standard contract with permanent duration. Select the appropriate contract subtype and specify the start and end dates to define the period.

  • Fixed-term (CDD): This contract is defined for specific purposes and duration. Employees on fixed-term standard contracts are reported in the Unique Statement of Employment (DUE), Manpower Movement (MMO), and Access to Training (BIAF), Disability Employment (DOETH), and Social reports.

Apprenticeship Contracts

Apprentices are reported in the DUE report. Apprentices who are disabled are reported in the DOETH report.

Apprentices aren't included in the headcount of the employees. This may have an impact on contributions that depend on the number of employees in the organization

Professionalization Contracts

Select Professionalization contract as the contract type to define a fixed-term professionalization contract.

Employees on this type of contract aren't included in the headcount of employees. This rule also applies to the duration of the professionalization contract period if it's part of a standard permanent contract.

Employees on professionalization contracts are reported in the DUE, RUP, DOETH, and Social reports.

Unique Employment Initiative Contracts (CUI-CIE)

Select Unique employment initiative contract as the contract type to define a fixed-term professionalization contract.

Employees on this type of contract aren't included in the headcount of employees. This rule also applies for the duration of the employment initiative period if it's part of a permanent contract.

Employees on CUI-CIE contracts are reported in the DUE, Personnel Register (RUP), DOETH, and Social reports.