Balance Contexts for the US

Balance contexts are entities that require values for a particular balance value. You use them to restrict the run results included in a balance value.

Some balance dimensions also use contexts. All balance contexts are predefined.

For example, the Regular Earnings Core Relationship Tax Unit Area1 Year to Date balance is an association of the Regular Earnings balance type with the Payroll Relationship Tax Unit Area1 Year to Date balance dimension. The contexts associated with this dimension are:

  • Payroll Relationship


  • Tax Unit


  • State


When performing balance adjustments, you don't necessarily need to enter input values, but entry of certain context values may be required to perform the adjustment correctly. If you leave the context values blank, the adjustment may not be associated to the correct context.

For example, if the adjustment is related to the state of California, you must identify the state in the State context field. If you leave the State context input value blank, the context is undefined, and the process wouldn't adjust the value for California.