Earnings Elements for the US

When you define earnings elements, you can select from a wide variety of element classifications.

US Element Classifications

These primary and secondary classifications are available for US earnings elements.

Primary classification

Secondary classifications

Standard Earnings

  • Overtime

  • Premium

  • Regular

  • Regular Not Worked

  • Shift

  • Tips Regular

Supplemental Earnings

  • Awards and Prizes

  • Bonus

  • Cafeteria Plan

  • Commission

  • Deceased Employee Wages

  • Deferred Compensation Distribution

  • Dismissal Payments

  • Educational Assistance

  • Jury Duty Pay

  • Moving Expense Nonqualified

  • Moving Expense Qualified

  • Paid Time Off Payout

  • Pensions/Annuities

  • Sick Pay

  • Tips Supplemental

  • Travel Taxable Reimbursement

Imputed Earnings

  • Domestic Partner Dependent

  • Domestic Partner Nondependent

  • Cash Tips Reported

  • Group Term Life Insurance

  • Moving Expense Nonqualified

  • Moving Expense Qualified

  • Noncash Award

  • Personal Use of Company Car

Nonpayroll Payments

  • Expense Reimbursement