International Payment Reporting for the US

You use the Make EFT Payments flow to generate electronic funds transfer (EFT) payments, including international payments, and to generate reports on them. Run this process after you have completed your payroll processing and are ready to issue the payments.

To run this flow:

  1. From My Client Groups, click Payroll.
  2. Click Submit a Flow.

  3. Select your US legislative data group.

  4. Search for and select Make EFT Payments.

You can select a payroll for which prepayments have been processed or select a range of dates to process multiple payrolls.

  • If you select a payroll, the consolidation set is automatically selected.

  • If you don't select a payroll:

    1. You can choose one of the listed consolidation sets. This selects all payrolls in that consolidation set.

    2. The flow runs on all payrolls within the Process Start Date and Process End Date range.


Before you can create an international payment:

  1. Create an international organization payment method (OPM).

    For further info, see Organization Payment Methods for the US in the Help Center.

  2. Attach the OPM to a payroll.

  3. Verify that there is a primary mailing foreign address for the employee.

  4. Create an international personal payment method for the employee.

Report Parameters

You can specify the following settings in the Make EFT Payments process.

Field name

How you use it


To process a single payroll, select the payroll run for which you're generating International ACH Transactions (IAT) payments. Only payrolls for which prepayments have been processed are shown.

Process Start Date

To capture payments for multiple payrolls, select the start date of the range for which you want to generate IAT payments.

Process End Date

Select the end date of the range for which you want to generate International transfer payments.

Consolidation Set

If a single payroll is selected, then the corresponding consolidation is automatically displayed in this field. If a consolidation set is selected, then all payrolls in that consolidation set are automatically selected.

Organization Payment Method

Select an OPM. Only the OPMs that are associated with international transactions are listed.

Payment Source

Optionally, select the payment source from the list of sources associated with this OPM.

File Reference

Optionally, enter a single alphanumeric character to distinguish multiple versions of the file created the same day. Valid characters include uppercase A-Z and 0-9.

Company Entry Description

Describe the purpose of the payment in up to 10-characters as it should appear in the Batch Header Record, field 10. For example, payroll or reversal.

Overriding Payment Date

Optionally, specify the date transactions are to post to the receiving account.

Report Output

The Make EFT Payments process generates both an electronic file and an audit report. To report international payments, employers submit the IAT electronic file to National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA) and use the audit report for reconciliation. The report process generates the following files with separate report-job name numbers.

  • IAT electronic file for international payments

  • PPD electronic file for US payments

    PPD is the EFT template for US payments.

  • Audit report for verification of details and totals

  • Prenotification files

    For further info, see Prenotifications for the US in the Help Center.