Create a Learning Communication Campaign

You create a communication campaign to send communications to employees in your organization. Create a Promote Learning campaign to notify learners about their required or recommended learning.

For example, you can create a learning campaign to suggest training modules, provide links, add details about the course, and encourage your learners to complete the course.

Before you start

You need the learning specialist and campaign manager roles.

Here's what to do

  1. In My Client Groups, click Communicate.
  2. On the Communicate page, click Create and then Email/SMS Campaign.
  3. On the Create Employee Communication page, enter basic information such as the name, description, number of the campaign, and the team of campaign managers who have access to this campaign.
  4. Select a team to work on the campaign and add people from the team as collaborators.
  5. Select Promote Learning for the campaign's purpose.
  6. Select a learning item.
  7. Click Save and Close.
  8. Select your learning campaign.
  9. Select the campaign owners, they'll see the campaign in the list of communication campaigns. Each owner has the same privileges as the campaign manager if they have the campaign manager role.
  10. Click Save and Close.