Create an Email Template

You create email templates so that campaign managers have a selection of visually engaging emails when they create a communication campaign.

Campaign managers can use the basic or advanced editor to create content in the email templates. The basic editor uses a rich text format which enables you to design emails quickly. The advanced editor includes more features to personalize the content. These templates reduce time and effort for campaign managers as well as standardize the templates based on your organization's design guidelines.

Before you start

You need the Campaign Administrator role.

Here's what to do

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to:
    1. Offering: HCM Communicate
    2. Functional Area: Employee Communications
    3. Task: Manage Email Templates
  2. On the Manage Email Templates page, click Add.
  3. Enter a name for the template.
  4. Select Basic or Advanced in the Email Editor field.
  5. Click Save.
  6. The email editor opens in a new browser tab. This is where you design the content of the email template. You can personalize elements such as background color, background image, branding text, fonts, font colors, rows, columns.
  7. In the Predefined Templates field, you can select a blank template or a predefined template. When you select a predefined template, you can use the template as is, or further personalize it to align with your organization’s brand and communication needs.
  8. Click Actions and then Save or Send Test Email.


The email template appears on the Manage Email Templates page and its status is Draft.

What to do next

Activate the email template to make it available to campaign managers.
Note: When you do an import or export between the test and production environments, email templates won't be copied over. You will need to create email templates separately in the test environment and the production environment.