Overview of Touchpoints Features

Here’s a closer look at some key features in Oracle Touchpoints.

Events and Interactions

Touchpoints enables managers and their direct reports and dotted-line reports to interact with each other in ways that enable increased engagement. They can interact with each other by scheduling check-in meetings, sending feedback messages or celebratory cards. Celebratory cards are sent for personal milestones or achievements such as birthdays or work anniversaries.

These events and interactions are displayed in a timeline view on the employee's Touchpoints page.

Engagement Metrics

Touchpoints provides managers and matrix managers with the following metrics that help them gain insights into their team’s overall satisfaction and engagement levels. They can use these metrics to gain a better understanding of the efforts taken to improve engagement levels within their immediate hierarchy and in the rest of the organization. These metrics include data about all assignments that direct and dotted-line reports might have with the manager.

Metric Description
Team - Average Interactions

This is the average number of interactions between a manager and their direct reports and dotted-line reports in the past 90 days.

This analytic is calculated as the total number of interactions divided by the total number of reports who've had at least one feedback or check-in interaction in the last 90 days. The total number of interactions includes all celebration cards and anytime feedback that direct reports and dotted-line reports have received, any feedback that an employee or manager has requested, and the total number of check-ins that have been held with them in the last 90 days. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.

Organization – Average Interactions

This is the average number of interactions between all managers and their direct reports and dotted-line reports in the entire organization over the past 90 days.

This analytic is calculated as the total number of interactions across the organization divided by the total number of employees who've had at least one feedback or check-in interaction in the last 90 days. The total number of interactions includes all celebration cards and anytime feedback that all employees have received, any feedback that employees or managers have requested, and the total number of check-ins that have been held with them in the last 90 days. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.

Team – Average Check-ins

This is the average number of check-ins that have been scheduled with a manager’s direct reports and dotted-line reports over the past 90 days.

This analytic is calculated as the total number of check-ins scheduled with reports in the last 90 days divided by the total number of reports who’ve had at least one check-in the last 90 days. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.

Organization – Average Check-ins

This is the average number of check-ins between all managers and their direct reports and dotted-line reports in the entire organization over the past 90 days.

This analytic is calculated as the total number of check-ins scheduled with all employees in the last 90 days divided by the total number of employees who’ve had at least one check-in the last 90 days. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.

Pulse score comparison chart

This chart enables managers to analyze pulse trends over a period of time for three groups of employees: direct reports and dotted-line reports, indirect reports (who are downstream in the organization hierarchy), and all employees in the organization.

It displays pulse score averages for every survey that’s assigned to each group. The analytic is calculated as the sum of all the pulse scores for each group divided by the total number of employees in that group that responded to the pulse survey.

It displays the pulse score averages over a period of time, which depends on the survey frequency specified while configuring the survey:
  • If the survey frequency is daily, the scores are displayed for the past 7 days from the current date.
  • If the survey frequency is weekly, the scores are displayed for the past 6 weeks from the current week.
  • If the survey frequency is monthly, the scores are displayed for the past 6 months from the current month.
  • If the survey frequency is yearly, the scores are displayed for the past 6 years from the current year.
  • If the survey frequency is set to a specific frequency, the scores are displayed for the past 18 periods from the current period.
Note: The x-axis on the pulse score comparison chart shows the survey end date for each frequency.
Employee pulse scores

These are individual pulse scores for a manager’s direct reports and dotted-line reports, which are computed based on the pulse survey completed by each employee. The lowest pulse scores are displayed first in this section.

The pulse score is defined and calculated through the scoring option set on the survey questionnaire. The threshold value for deciding low scores is configured in the survey definition using the Checklist Templates task.

Number of check-ins completed per month These are check-in meetings held between a manager and their direct reports and dotted-line reports, with all topics marked as completed in the current month. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.
Number of check-ins not completed per month These are check-in meetings held between a manager and their direct reports and dotted-line reports, with some topics marked as not completed in the current month. Check-ins include both Touchpoints and Performance check-ins.
Note: Pulse survey metrics are displayed only if one or more employees have completed the survey.


Touchpoints encourages managers and employees to improve overall employee engagement and interactions between the manager and the employee through nudges.

Nudges are personalized actionable recommendations. They're displayed as recommended actions on the employee Touchpoints page, as recommended insights topics on check-in pages, and through email notifications. They're designed to capture relevant details about an employee, such as their sentiment and engagement levels, goals, personal milestones, achievements, and so on. Based on these details, timely information is delivered to the employee or manager, which encourages them to take actions that support increased engagement and interactions.

Nudges delivered in this release include the following:

Nudge Reason Purpose
Employee's anniversary is approaching Encourages the manager to celebrate an employee’s work anniversary
Employee's birthday is approaching Encourages the manager to celebrate an employee’s birthday
Manager hasn’t provided anytime feedback to an employee for a period of time Encourages the manager to provide feedback to an employee
Check-in between a manager and employee hasn't been scheduled for a period of time Encourages the manager to schedule more regular check-ins with an employee
Check-in between manager and employee is approaching Prepares the employee and manager for an upcoming check-in
Employee has performance goals that are later than the target completion date Encourages the manager to support an employee whose performance goals are later than the target completion date
Employee has performance goals that are due soon but goal completion percentage is less than a defined percentage Encourages the employee to discuss with the manager about performance goals that need to be updated or are at risk of not being completed
Employee has performance goals with a past goal start date and a status of Not Started Encourages the manager to coach the employee on keeping performance goals up to date
Employee has high priority aligned performance goals that are due soon Encourages the manager to track the employee’s progress on high priority performance goals
Employee completes performance goals ahead of the target completion date Encourages the manager to celebrate an employee’s accomplishment when they complete performance goals ahead of the target schedule
Employee has a low pulse score Encourages the manager to track an employee’s sentiment when their pulse score is below a threshold value
Employee has a low response rate to the pulse survey Encourages the employee and the manager to improve the employee’s participation in pulse surveys

Nudges are configured in the Nudge Configuration work area in My Client Groups > Employment.