Configuration Report

You can check the Configuration Report to understand why a page acts in a certain way. The report provides a comprehensive list of configurations done in the TDS or Page Composer, or both, across various pages.

You access the View Configuration Report from the Transaction Design Studio home page. Select the action and then the page that you want to analyze. Select All to analyze all pages of the selected action. You can access information on which tool was used to show or hide the attributes on pages, either the TDS or Page Composer.


  • Page
  • Attribute
  • Attribute ID
  • Required Property Configured From: Tools from where the required property was configured: Values can be Transaction Design Studio, Page Composer, or both.
  • Rendered Property Configured From: Tools from where the rendered property was configured: Values can be Transaction Design Studio, Page Composer, or both.
  • Visible Property Configured From: Tools from where the visible property was configured: Values can be Transaction Design Studio, Page Composer, or both.

The configuration report is useful in understanding if a field on a page is customized or not and the tool used to customize a field. You can download and export the information in the configuration report into a .csv file. Oracle can use this file for troubleshooting UI issues instead of the earlier method of downloading customizations from MDS and providing sandbox details.