How You Personalize the Save and Save and Close Actions in the Toolbar

You can personalize the toolbar to add the save actions in the toolbar. You can save your transaction at any point of time.

For example, you’re adding a new contractor and you have already provided half of the required info. If you need to switch to another task, you can save your work and resume later where you left off.

Here's a list of actions for which you can configure Save and Save and Close buttons.

  • Add Assignment
  • Add Contingent Worker
  • Add Pending Worker
  • Add a Nonworker
  • Administer Compensation
  • Change Assignment
  • Change Location
  • Change Manager
  • Change Salary
  • Change Working Hours
  • Create Job
  • Create Location
  • Create Work Relationship
  • Direct Reports
  • Edit Pending Worker
  • Eligible Jobs
  • Employment Contracts
  • Employment Start Dates
  • Hire an Employee
  • Individual Compensation
  • Job Details
  • Local and Global Transfer
  • Location Details
  • Manage Personal Contributions
  • Position Details
  • Promote
  • Request a New Position
  • Request a Position Change
  • Resignation
  • Salary History
  • Termination
  • Transfer
  • Work Relationship

The Save and Save and Close buttons are hidden, out-of-the-box. You can enable these buttons from the Reference Info Regions region in the Page Attributes section in the TDS.

A point to note is that rules are evaluated for each attribute for active rules in the TDS. If the same attribute is defined in multiple rule definitions, only the first in order of active rule attribute conditions is applied.

For example, if you define 2 rules where rule 1 is a generic rule and states that the Save and Close is available unconditionally, but not Save and a rule 2 where Save is available only for a specific legal employer. As a result, rule 1 is evaluated as the first rule in order of active rules and so the Save button isn’t displayed for all legal employers selected in rule 2.