Create a Web Channel for the Candidate Experience Digital Assistant

In this section, you create a channel in Oracle Digital Assistant that exposes your Candidate Experience Digital Assistant in the Oracle Cloud HCM user interface.

  1. Based on the user privileges assigned to you, sign in to Oracle Digital Assistant using your SSO credentials.
  2. From the Navigator, select Development > Channels .
  3. Click Add Channel.
    Image of the Add Channel button
  4. In the Create Channel dialog box, enter the details as required.
  5. Enter a name for the channel.
  6. From the Channel Type list, select Oracle Web.
  7. Enter * in Allowed Domains.
  8. Move the Client Authentication Enabled slider to the disabled status.
  9. Click Create.
  10. Select Candidate Experience V2 in the Route To list to associate this Web channel to the Candidate Experience digital assistant.
  11. Move the Channel Enabled slider to the enabled status.
  12. Click Reset Sessions.
  13. Copy the Channel Id value.