Digital Assistant User Roles

You must assign appropriate roles to your users so that they can administer, configure, or analyze digital assistant. Based on their roles, users can access the digital assistant, import skills, add utterances, test skills, or extend the digital assistant.

This table shows the roles you can assign to your users and what they can do.

User Roles

What They Can Do


ODA Service Administrator Role

  • Get complete access to the Bots instance for the draft and published skills.

  • Access or import skills.

  • Clone or extend skills.

  • Delete a published skill or digital assistant.

  • Do data management tasks, such as purging data when the instance is out of memory.


ODA Service Developer Role

  • Delete a draft skill but not a published one.

  • Get full access to build and test the digital assistant and skills.

Note: Users with this role can't access the data management tasks and so they can't purge data.


ODA Service Business User Role

  • Get access to the analytics insights.

  • Test the dialog flows and whether the intent and entity match.

  • Add sample utterances to the training corpus to retrain a skill. But a business user can't add sample utterances to the skill directly. Instead, the business user can use analytics insights to train the skill again with user patterns.

Note: This role is primarily specific to an analyst in the company, or someone who's in the line of business, such as expenses, and wants to see the analytics. Users with this role can only view the skills or settings but can't change them. They can't access the data management tasks to purge data.