Past & Future Scheduled Absences

View your approved absences scheduled in the past, future, or during a specific time-period. As a manager, you can view this information for your team members as well.

Intended user: Employee and line manager

Sample phrases you can use:

  • Show me my scheduled absences
  • When was my last day off?
  • Have I already scheduled my vacation?
  • How many paid days leave have I taken this year?
  • How much sick time have I used?
  • Did I take any time off this year?
  • Bring up vacation plans
  • My most recent time off in last 6 months
  • What were my recent holidays in past 12 weeks?
  • Do I have any holiday booking in the next 30 days?
  • When was I absent from 10/11/2020 to 1/1/2020?
  • When is my next annual leave?
  • Has Nicole been absent in the past one year?
  • Can you please show me Fatima's planned PTOs for next week
  • Show his PTO time for 2019
  • When is my team's next day off
  • Find scheduled holidays for her
  • Has Duane booked any vacations
  • When did I apply for my last leave
  • Did Christy miss work anytime
  • Show Anirban's recent time off
  • How much sick time has she used
Sample synonyms/words: sick, vacation, PTO, comp time, leave, absence, time off, scheduled

Things to note: The digital assistant doesn't recognize company-specific absence types and plan names. It only generically recognizes the types of plans using words such as sick, vacation, PTO, and comp time. So if you ask a question that uses a company specific plan name or plan type, the digital assistant might not understand and might display an unrelated response.

The digital assistant displays all absences for a time period.