Fast Formulas for FMLA Benefits

When defining Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) absences, you must use one or more fast formulas to determine eligibility.

For example, if there is a requirement to determine the work state, you need a formula to check whether an employee works from home.

State-Level FMLA Benefits

Some states have enacted laws that mandate additional family and medical leave for workers. If you're doing business in one of these states, include reference to the jurisdiction of the work location and the employee's home location.

For further info, see Fast Formulas for State FMLA in the Help Center.

Calculating Weekly Plan Use

FMLA requires tracking the absence plan use in weeks. If you're tracking absences using days or hours, you must use a conversion formula to convert them into fraction of weeks. You must attach this conversion formula in the absence plan.

The conversion formula must perform the following calculation.

Absence Hours in a Week / Work Week Hours

For example, if the employee has taken 8 hours of sick time and they work 40-hour weeks, to convert the hours to weeks:

8 hours sick / 40 hours in a week = .2 week

The source of work week hours comes from the Working Hours on the assignment and may require conversion based on the frequency.

For further info, see Absence Plan Conversion Formula in the Help Center.