How Organizational Surveys Are Sent Based on Eligibility Profile

As a manager, you can use organizational surveys in Team Brand to seek feedback on various topics from a wide group in your organization.

You can send these surveys to your peers, direct reports, or organization. If your administrator has provided additional privileges, you can also send surveys to recipients based on eligibility profile.

Here's how you send organizational surveys based on eligibility profile:

  1. Go to My Team > Personal Brand > Organizational Surveys.

  2. Click Add Survey and then select Eligibility profile.

  3. Select an existing eligibility profile from the drop-down list. All eligibility profiles created by you administrator are listed here.

  4. Create a name for your survey and select a questionnaire from the list. Submit to send the organization survey.

Let's see what happens after you submit the survey:

  • The Evaluate Eligibility scheduled process runs automatically to identify recipients who meet the criteria specified in the eligibility profile.

  • After this process completes, your administrator runs the connector in the Personal Brand Administration work area to send the survey to recipients.

  • To notify recipients about the survey, your administrator also runs the Generate Notifications for Work Life Cloud Service Applications job.