Options for Line Managers to Manage Time

You can create, review, and approve time cards for your direct reports and any delegated reports according to your organization's time policies. You can do this even if workers still need to submit pending attestations.

To enter row-level comments, right-click the row number. These comments get stored with each entry. So you can edit the comment for a specific entry by right-clicking in the entry. Or you can open the Comments drawer and edit the comment there.

A newly added row-level comment overwrites any existing entry-level comment. And any newly added entry-level comment overwrites any existing row-level comment.

You can act on time cards, such as submit them or approve them using the My Team > Team Time Cards quick action. You can tell which time cards are being processed because the Status column shows a temporary Refresh icon for them. Manually refresh the page to get the most recent time card statuses after the Refresh icon no longer appears.

Copy and Add Data to Time Cards

To spend less time completing current time cards, you can copy data from previous time cards. Depending on your time card setup, you use either the More Actions menu or the Entries section Actions menu. Also depending on your setup, you can identify favorite time cards. Typically, you do this for time cards with data that stays fairly constant. Then, to spend less time completing time cards, you can use these favorites to copy data to the current time card. If your people report project time, you can also quickly add their current project, task, and assignment values to their time cards. The copy and add actions are available in the time card Entries section, on the Actions menu.

Tip: If your worker use responsive time cards, when you copy an existing time card with a public holiday entry, the copy excludes the holiday entry. The same thing happens with any absence entries. For example, your worker's existing time card has a US public holiday on Monday and an absence on Tuesday. It has regular worked time on Wednesday through Friday. When you copy their time card entries to a new time card, the regular and on-call worked time copies. The holiday and absence entries don't copy because each holiday is unique and typically, so are absences. If your workers use classic time cards, you can specify whether to also copy absences.

Print Time Cards

You can print a saved or submitted time card. For example, you need to submit a printed time card to receive payment for a project. Use either of these Actions menu options:

  • On the Team Time Cards page, the Print Time Card option
  • On the time card page, the Print option

Review and Approve Change Requests

If your workers don't have permission to edit their time cards directly, they can submit change requests. To review and approve these change requests, use the Team Change Requests quick action. To avoid any processing issues, be sure to select less than 500 request to approve at one time.