When to Create Scheduler Profiles

Here are some scenarios when you want to create profiles instead of using the default profile:

  • Use an HCM group as the scheduling group.
  • To limit the scheduling group to 50 or fewer people for better performance
  • Delegate scheduling tasks to people.
  • Set how shift labels appear on the schedule pages in the Time Management work area.
  • Set resource requirements for the schedule pages in the Time Management work area.
  • Identify overstaffing and understaffing so you can more easily analyze workload on the schedule pages in the Time Management work area.
  • Change the first day of the schedule week on the schedule pages in the Time Management work area.

To create and edit scheduler profiles, use the Scheduler Profiles task in the Setup and Maintenance work area. Or, you can edit your own profile and your linked profiles using that task in the Time Management work area.

Note: When you create a profile by duplicating an existing profile, it doesn't copy the numbers of resources required because resource requirements vary by team. You need to set any resource requirements when you complete the duplicated profile.