Comparing Items

Use comparison to quickly identify and evaluate differences between items. Compare any person, job, and position items. For example, you can compare a person with another person or with a job profile.

You can compare items in the Profiles work area and on the talent review dashboard.

Selecting Items

The first item you select is the comparison base, and the items you select subsequently are secondary items. You can change the comparison base if required. The comparison displays the base item attributes, and indicates the differences between the attributes of the secondary items and the base items.

Controlling Results

Data sets control which attributes are displayed for each item in the comparison. For example, you must select the School Education data set to display and compare a person's education details.

The information displayed in the comparison results is controlled by security access. For example, line managers can compare their direct reports and view their performance data in the comparison results. HR specialists can perform this comparison only if they have security access to the persons' performance information. You can change the effective date of comparison if you're either a line manager or an HR specialist.