Contact Start Date Changes

You can change the start date of a contact on the Family and Emergency Contacts page.

These are key points to consider when changing the contact start date.

Contact Information

Current Scenario

Impact of the Start Date Change

Contact isn't a coworker or a shared contact

The new start date is a past date

All effective-dated objects, such as relationship, name, address, visa or permit, and legislative information, will be synchronized with the new start date.

Contact isn't a coworker or a shared contact

Effective-dated objects have effective-dated changes that are after the new start date

Effective-dated object dates will be synchronized with the new start date.

Contact isn't a coworker or a shared contact

Effective-dated objects have effective-dated changes that are before the new start date

An error message will be shown and you won't be able to make the change. You need to remove the effective-dated changes before changing the start date.

Contact isn't a coworker or a shared contact

Effective-dated object start date starts after the original start date of the contact

Effective start date won't be synchronized.

Contact is a co-worker

The new start date is in the future

The relationship start date will change but any other effective-dated details of the co-worker won't change.

Contact is a co-worker

The new start date is in the past

The relationship start date will change but any other effective-dated details of the co-worker won't change. The new start date can't be before the actual start of the co-worker's original start date.

Contact is a contact of another employee or contingent worker

The new start date is in the future

The relationship start date will change but any other effective-dated details of the co-worker won't change. The new start date can't be before the actual start of the co-worker's original start date.

Contact is a contact of another employee or contingent worker

The new start date is in the past

The relationship start date will change but any other effective-dated details of the co-worker won't change. The new start date can't be before the actual start of the co-worker's original start date.