How You Share Data Access With Another Person

Use the Share Data Access action to give another person access to your data.

For example, during a transfer, the receiving line manager may need access to your information to initiate the transfer. After you share access to your data, they can select your assignment to initiate the transfer.

A user with the Employee or Contingent Worker role can share access to their own data. A user with the Line Manager or Human Resource Specialist role can share data access on behalf of a person who reports to them or a person available through their person security profile.

When you share your data access, you have to share all your data and can’t choose which attributes to share. Access is shared at the person-level and you can’t limit access to a single assignment for a person who has multiple concurrent assignments. It may be useful to use the Notes field to capture details about the reason for the data sharing.

The recipient receives a notification with a link to the Person Spotlight of the person whose data is shared. Person Spotlight contains a person’s public information, so most users will have access. Also, it may be a convenient launch point for the recipient to take other actions, depending on the security configuration of their role. If recipients don’t have access to Person Spotlight, they can still access the shared person data in other tasks. Share Data Access doesn’t give the recipient access to any new tasks; it only updates the data security. The recipient can only view or edit the shared person data using tasks that are already assigned to their role.

When data access is shared, it’s accessible until it’s revoked. You can revoke access to the data when it’s no longer needed by returning to the Share Data Access action.