Delete a Person's Compensation and Benefits Data

To delete workforce compensation data (if the Transfer Workforce Compensation Data process wasn't run):

  1. In the Compensation work area, click the Administer Workers task.

  2. Make the worker ineligible

To delete individual compensation data, you delete element entries and any stock grants

  1. On the My Client Groups tab, click the Element Entries quick action .

  2. Delete all prior and future-dated element entries created for awarded individual compensation plans.

  3. In the Compensation work area, click the Stock Grants task.

  4. Search for the worker and delete all stock records.

To delete the total compensation statement:

  1. In the Compensation work area, click the Purge Statements task.

  2. Select the Statement Definition Name.

  3. Select the worker whose statement you want to delete.

  4. Run the Purge Statements process for all statements generated for the invalid worker.

To delete salary data.

  1. On the My Client Groups tab, click the Salary History task.

  2. Search for the invalid worker

  3. Delete the salary, starting from the latest record to the earliest one. This deletes the corresponding element entries also.

To delete benefits data.

  • If a life event isn't created

    1. In the Enrollment work area, click the Benefit Relationship task.

    2. Search for the person and delete the benefit relationships..

    3. Cancel the work relationship.

  • If a life event is created

    1. In the Enrollment work area, click the Person Life Events task.

    2. Search for the person and Delete any life events on the Potential Life Events tab.

    3. Delete the benefit relationships and cancel the work relationships

  • If an enrollment records exist

    1. In the Enrollment work area, click the Person Life Events task.

    2. Search for the person. On the Life Event tab, void and back out the life event. Click Save.

    3. In the Evaluation and Reporting work area, click the Processes tab, run the Purge Backed-out or Voided Life Event Data process.

    4. In the Enrollment work area, click the Benefit Relationship task.

    5. Delete the benefit relationships.

    6. Cancel the work relationship.