Security, Access, and Approvals in Workforce Modeling

Line managers and HR specialists have access to Workforce Modeling. You can access all the Workforce Modeling features if you're either an author or the top manager of a model.

To access the model as a top manager, the author of the model can give you access in the moel properties.HR representatives can edit the model, and other approvers can open and view the model.

You need to assign the Workforce Model Plan HR Specialist Duty to any predefined HR specialist roles you've copied and edited if you want them to see Workforce Modeling under My Client Groups.


The HR specialist configures the approval rules relevant to Workforce Modeling.

The following rules define who the default approvers are:

  • If all the modeled changes occur within the top manager or position's organization, then the approvers are the author's HR represntative, the top manager's manager and one level of manager approval above.
  • If there are any changes outside the top manager or position's hierarchy, then a further rule requires the manager who has authority to approve all the changes and the manager one level above to approve the model. This rule is only used when at least one change is outside the top manager's or top position's hierarchy.

Any role with position related privileges, for example, create, edit, or delete positions, can perform position related actions in Workforce Modeling. For HR specialists, this feature is ready to use automatically.

If you'd prefer not to go through an approval process, then the HR specialist can enable the Bypass Approvals option in the Transaction Console. With this option, any model you create won't go through the approval process and submitting the model automatically commits the planned changes to the application.