Workforce Modeling

Workforce Modeling provides managers and human resource (HR) specialists with the ability to plan, model, and execute workforce changes using a graphical tool. You base your model on either the manager hierarchy or the position hierarchy.

The hierarchy starts with the top manager or position and includes assignments, positions, vacancies and requisitions. They report to the top manager or position, either directly or indirectly.

You can perform the following actions in the model:

  • Promote

  • Transfer

  • Terminate

  • Change manager

  • Change location

  • Add, change, inactivate, or delete positions

  • Change position incumbents

  • Create, change, or delete vacancies

  • Create and edit Oracle Recruiting Cloud requisitions (dependent on security settings)

You can move people with or without direct reports either by dragging and dropping or using the table view and selecting a new manager. You can create vacancies in the model, and on final approval they're added to the database. Review the impact of your planned changes using the analytics. The application uses the modeled changes to create effective dated transactions when the model is approved. Vacancies are not effective dated, therefore vacancy changes or new vacancies appear when the model is approved.

Perform position changes by dragging and dropping on the graphical hierarchy. For example, drag and drop a position including its incumbents on the hierarchy and then move an incumbent to a different position. Use the position synchronization and position defaulting features.

For the position hierarchy, you can perform the following actions for positions:

  • Create

  • Edit

  • Inactivate or delete

  • Undo inactivate

  • Undo delete

  • Move positions in the model

  • Convert a vacancy into an open position

  • Create and edit requisitions

Security and Access

Line managers and HR specialists have access to Workforce Modeling. You can access all the Workforce Modeling features if you are either an author or the top manager of a model. To access the model as the top manager, the author of the model can give you access in the model properties. HR representatives can edit the model, and other approvers can open and view the model.

The following rules define who the default approvers are:

  • If all the modeled changes occur within the top manager os position's organization, then the approvers are the author's HR Representative, the top manager's manager and one level of manager approval above.

  • In addition to the above rule, the manager who has authority to approve all the changes and one level above, are the approvers. These approvers are in addition to the author's HR Representative and two levels above the top manager.

  • If there are any changes outside the top manager or position's hierarchy, then a further rule requires the manager who has authority to approve all the changes and the manager one level above to approve the model.

Any role with position related privileges, for example, create, edit, or delete positions, can perform position related actions in Workforce Modeling. For HR specialists, this feature is ready to use automatically.


The following table describes the Workforce Modeling statuses.




A model is in the Draft status:

  • Until it's submitted

  • Once it's edited

  • If an approver edits a model during approval

  • If the author withdraws a pending model


A model is in the Pending status after it's submitted from the Draft, Rejected, or Returned modes.


A model is in the Rejected status if an approver rejects it.


A model is in the Returned status if an approver requests more information.


A model is in the Completed status after it's approved by all approvers. At that point, transactions are created and assignments are updated with effective dated changes.

Effects of Reorganizing

Once the newly created workforce model is approved, the relevant assignments are updated using the model effective date. Currently, notifications aren't issued for this. Role provisioning security occurs automatically if it's set up accordingly. For example, if the line manager role is enabled for autoprovisioning, then a user who becomes a manager is given the line manager role automatically.

Note: Vacancy changes appear on the date the model is approved, irrespective of the model effective date because vacancies are not effective dated in HCM Cloud.