Considerations for Terminating Workers in Workforce Modeling

You can use workforce modeling to create or edit a model to terminate workers. You can use existing models to terminate workers, and these models can also include other planned updates, such as promotions and transfers.

Any workers you terminate will display as grey in the model. The terminations affect the analytics which you can use to review the impact of your planned terminations. The termination changes are only applied to the transactional system when the model is approved.

Canceling Terminations

Cancel a termination, if, for example, you realize that the planned termination could harm the business or you terminated a worker as part of a planned restructure, which has been canceled. Canceling a termination also affects the analytics.

Analyzing Terminations

The impact of the termination or canceled termination in terms of headcount, salary cost and predicted effectiveness is calculated and displayed, providing you with immediate feedback on your modeled changes.

Terminating Managers with Subordinates

If you terminate a manager with subordinates, then you can decide to terminate them also. If you cancel this termination, then you must cancel the termination of each subordinate separately. If you decide not to terminate the subordinates, then the subordinates are assigned to the terminated manager's manager. If you cancel the termination, then you must manually move each reassigned subordinate back to their original manager.