How Synchronization Works in Workforce Modeling

Workforce Modeling runs a synchronization process that checks the attributes in the live transactional application against the attributes in the model, and makes some automatic updates, and other recommendations.

The synchronization process ensures the assignment and vacancy information in Workforce Modeling are up to date with any changes made in the live transactional application.

The synchronization process runs automatically when you:

  • Open the model for editing.

  • Open the Review page.

  • Open the Approval page.

You can also run the process manually from the Actions menu on the Model page.

Synchronization Rules

When you open a saved model, the synchronization process runs automatically to review all application changes that occur after the date the model was last updated, and on or before the model effective date. If there are any changes in the live application, for example, one of the workers in the model has been transferred and another worker has been terminated, then the application synchronizes each attribute using the following rules:

  • If the live application has changed but the model hasn't, then automatically update the model.

  • If the same attribute has changed in the model and in the live application, and if the live application changes are irreversible, then automatically update the model with the live application change. Irreversible changes include any moves in or out of the hierarchy, such as, hires, transfers, and terminations.

  • If the same attribute has changed in the model and in the live application, and you can update the live application change, then the application recommends the modeled value. If this scenario occurs, then the application recommends the model changes for all attribute updates.

Synchronization Alerts

When you reopen a saved model, and the synchronization process finds changes in the live transactional application and in the model, then you can review the automatic updates and recommendations in the Alerts page. If you confirm the changes, the application updates the analytics and the information in the hierarchy.