Create a Cybersecurity Incident Report

As an employee, you can report a cybersecurity incident by navigating from Home > Me > Risk and Compliance > My Cybersecurity Incidents. If you can't find the Cybersecurity Incidents app, contact your EHS Manager to make the app available for you.

  1. Click Cybersecurity Incidents to open the Report an Incident page. Various event tiles appear in a page. You may want to select one or more event types when reporting the incident.
  2. Select one or more Event Type check boxes, for example, Lost or Stolen Device or Suspicious Email or Call. After submitting the incident, the application creates the relevant events for the incident.
    Note: This event tiles page is displayed based on the profile option (HNS_KIOSK_SHOW_EVENTS) being set to Y. The names and order of events that appear on this page are configured using the Manage Incident Events Lookup page settings. By default, the option is enabled. If your administrator has decided not to show the events page, then you won't see the event tiles page in employee self-service.
  3. Click Continue.

  4. On the Report an Incident page, Incident Details region, specify details in What's the incident? incident Description, and Actions already taken.

  5. Select Level of Severity. Specify where the incident occurred and other details.

  6. Click Continue.

    Note: The Incident Details, Who's reporting this Incident?, Attachments regions open sequentially.
  7. In the Who's Reporting This Incident? region, your details appear for Incident Reporter type, reporter name. You can change the details if the default values aren't correct.

  8. Select the incident owner.
  9. Select the name of the person in the Who was notified? field.

  10. Update the Notification Time field.
  11. Select the notified person name, notifications date and time in the Who was notified? and Notification Time fields.

  12. Click Continue to go to the Attachments region.

    Tip: Click the Edit icon to go back to any region and modify the details, if required.
  13. Add any relevant attachments for the incident.

  14. Click Submit.

Your incident is now on its way to the EHS Manager for resolution.
Note: If assignment rules are created the incident may automatically be routed to the assigned incident owner for attention.