Create Incident Actions

Create one or more actions to find the cause of the incident, discover near misses, or rectify any unsafe conditions.

  1. On the Actions page, click Add.

  2. On the Action Details page:

    1. Enter Summary and Description.

    2. Date and Time defaults to when the action was created. Modify it, if required.

    3. Select Action Type from the list.

    4. Select Resources Required.

    5. Set the Action Priority from the list.

    6. Specify the Estimated Cost and Currency.

    7. Click Save.

  3. Track notes for the Action in the Notes region. Click Add.

    1. Specify notes for the event.

    2. Click Save. The note is saved and is displayed in the Notes region with name of the person who created the note and the date when it was created.

  4. Assign incident action stakeholders, reviewers, preapprovers, and approvers in the respective regions of the incident page and specify related details. Assign an incident owner and update the target completion date. Specify the incident action Owners and the Target Completion Dates.

  5. Select the action priority.

  6. Select a safety coordinator for the incident if required.
  7. Click Save.

    When the action is complete, you can update the status and mark it complete.

The application generates a unique identifier for the Action and is displayed in the list on the Actions page. You can add one or more Actions for an incident.