Create Investigations

Create and manage investigations to determine the root cause of incidents. The investigator can gather and analyze your data, note investigation findings, and recommend actions to prevent such incidents. You can create multiple investigations.

  1. In the Investigations page of the incident, click Add to create an investigation.

  2. Specify these details in the Investigation Details region:

    1. Date and Time

    2. Summary and Description

    3. Investigation Type and Incident Event

    4. Lessons Learned

    5. Click Save and Close. The investigation is created and appears in the Investigations page of the incident

  3. In the Investigation Questionnaire region, you can add the investigation questionnaire to answer questions related to the incident. Click Edit.

    1. Search for and select Questionnaire Name. The questions appear in the region. You may want to answer the questions now or later too.

    2. Click Save.

  4. In the Findings region, click Add to create findings.

    1. Enter the Finding Summary details and Notes.

    2. Select the Level of Severity and specify Finding Response.

    3. Optionally, you can create recommendations for every finding. Click Add Recommendation link and specify your recommendation.

    4. Click OK to save the finding. The finding is created and listed in the page.

  5. In the Overall Findings region, you can specify the Casual Factors, Immediate Cause, Underlying Factors, Root Cause, Contributing Factors, Comments, and Final Response and then click Save.

  6. You can track your Notes for the investigation. Click Add.

    1. Specify notes for the investigation.

    2. Click Save. The note is saved and is displayed in the Notes region with name of the person who created the note and the date when it was created.

  7. In the Stakeholder region, click Add.

    1. Specify the Name, person Type, and Category of the stakeholders.

    2. Click OK.

  8. You can assign an owner and optionally, incident investigation Preapprovers, Approvers, Reviewers, and specify the related details. In the Investigation Owner region, you can set a Target Completion Date. You can track completion details when done with the investigation.

    The application generates a unique identifier for the investigation and is displayed in the list under the Investigations page. You can add one or more investigations for an incident.