Create Incident Events

You can record information about the events associated with the incident. You can create multiple incident events at the time of reporting or managing the incident.

  1. From the Events page of the incident, click Add to create an event.

    Note: Your administrator may want to show or hide or modify the event names by defining them in the Manage Incident Events Lookup page. Based on those settings you can find the event types.
  2. Click the event type. The respective event details page for the event type opens.

  3. In the Event Details region, enter the Summary, Description, Date and Time of the event, Reported Data and Time, Level of Security, and Lessons Learned.

  4. Click Save. The event is created and appears on the Events page of the incident.

  5. You can track notes for the event in the Notes region. Click Add.

    1. Specify note for the event.

    2. Click Save. The note is saved and is displayed in the Notes region with the name of the person who created the note and the date it was created.

  6. Identify the event stakeholders in the Stakeholders region.
  7. In the Event Owners region assign a person to own the event and set the target completion date.

    Note: When the event is complete, you can close the event by selecting the Completed check box and specifying the completion date.
  8. If any action is required from the event owner, select the Action Required check box.

  9. Click Save. The event is created with a unique event number and displayed in the list of events for the incident.

The application generates a unique identifier for the event and is displayed in the list under the Events page. All the events that are created for the incident are listed here in this page.