Event Types for Incidents

You have a number of event types based on which you can add events to your incident.

You specify the Event Details, Notes, Stakeholders, and Event Owner details in the respective regions of the Event page. This apart, you can specify event-specific attributes. Let's see the event-specific attributes and regions that can be tracked for an event.

Event Type

Event-Specific Regions and Attributes


Air Quality

Event Details region>Air Quality Type:

  • Values: Fumes, Mold, Odor, Smoke, Other

  • Employee Name

Select a value from the Air Quality Type list.

Select the employee who was directly impacted by the air quality.


Event Details region > Ergonomic Type

  • Ambient Temperature

  • Contact Stress

  • Posture

  • Repetitive Task

  • Use of Excessive Force

  • Vibration

Request an ergonomic assessment check box

Employee Name

Select a value from the Ergonomic Type list.

Select the request for an ergonomic assessment to ensure employee's correct posture and reduce the exposure to physical hazards.

Select the name of the employee.

Fire or Explosion

Select the one or more relevant check box options:

  • Fire

  • Explosion

  • Replenish Fire Fighting Equipment

Based on the option you select, specify the relevant details for the attributes in the regions.


Issue Event Details region> Issue Type:

External Non-conformance

Internal Non-conformance

Incident event


Permit violation


Select a value from the Issue Type list.

Near Miss





Select a value from the Near Miss list.

Notice of Violation

Event Details region> Violation Type

Specify the value in the Notice of Violation type for the event. For example, EPA, OSHA, Police, and so on

Property Damage

Event Details region> Property Damage Type









Specify a value from the Property Damage Type list.

Spill or Release


Spill or Release Type

Total Mass or Volume Released and Recovered

Possible Cause

What was Spilled or Released

Spill Kit Deployed

Cleanup Team or Contractor Notified

Does Spill Kit Need Replenishing?

Specify the values for these attributes and other related attributes for the Spill or Release event.

Suggestion for Improvement

Event Details region>Improvement Type:




Select a value from the Improvement Type list.

Unsafe Act

Event Details region> Unsafe Act Type

Select a value from the Unsafe Act Type list. For example Incorrect Use of Personal Protective Equipment, Job Safety Analysis Not Followed

Unsafe Condition

Event Details region> Unsafe Condition Type

Biological Hazards

Physical Hazards

Security Hazards

Equipment or Machinery Hazards

Ergonomic Hazards

Chemical or Dust Hazards

Other Unsafe Conditions

Specify a value from the Unsafe Condition Type list.

Vehicle Incident


Road Condition

Light Conditions

Weather Condition


Traffic Controls

Police Report check box

Police Agency Location

Rental vehicle

Rental vehicle replacement

Insurance information

Specify the values for these attributes and other related attributes for the vehicle incident event. Specify vehicle insurance details and details of rental vehicles involved in the accident or rental vehicles used as replacement.

Virus, Illness, or Injury

Event details include Notified Human Resources check box

When you select the option, specify the date and time of notifying HR. This indicates that the HR department is notified about the incident.

Virus, Illness, or Injury

Injured or Ill Person Details region attributes:

  • Person Type

  • Name

  • Event date and time

  • Name of the person who was informed including the date and time

  • Person activity before the incident

  • Source

  • Mechanism

  • Classification

  • Injured Body Part and Injury Type

  • Treatments
  • Lost Time and Return to Work

Specify the Person Type and Name of the injured or ill person. Describe the activity of the injured or ill person before the incident.

If the person has lost time, provide an estimate of lost hours. If the person is absent from work for 1 or more days, mention the details.

If the person returns to work, specify the Return to Work attributes such as date, job transfer or restrictions, if any. You can add information for multiple treatments and multiple returns to work.

A unique case number is generated for the ill or injured person which is used to track details for the Illness or Injury event.

Virus, Illness, or Injury

Witness Details region attributes:

Person Type




You can add one or more witnesses to the event and specify the related details in the region.