Enter Incident Details

The Incident Details page lets you record details about your incident, location, notified agencies, related incidents, notes, stakeholders, incident reviewers, approvers, and owner. The incident owner is responsible for acknowledging the completion of an incident report.

  1. In the Incident Details region, specify the information for these attributes:

    1. Summary and Description of the incident

    2. Date and Time

    3. Level of Severity

    4. Immediate Actions

    5. Lessons Learned

    6. Incident Reporter person type and name

    7. Person who was notified and the notified time

  2. Click Save and Close.

  3. In the Incident Location region, update the location details, if required. Select the Conditions check boxes and specify the related details.

  4. Click Save.

  5. In the Risk Assessment region, add a risk assessment and select the consequence and likelihood values. Note that the risk score is automatically calculated and displayed.

  6. If you know the agencies that were notified of the incident, select them in the Agencies region.

  7. In the Related Incidents region, click Add to include the related incidents.

    1. After the Incidents work area opens, search for and select the related incidents for reference, if you have a role in that related incident.

    2. Click Save and Close. The selected incidents appear in the Related Incidents region of this incident.

  8. Track notes for the incident in the Notes region. Click Add.

    1. Enter note text for the event.

    2. Click Save. The note is saved and is displayed in the Notes region with name of the person who created the note and the date when it was created.

  9. Assign a safety coordinator, incident stakeholders, reviewers, and approvers in the respective region of the incident page and specify related details.

  10. Assign an incident owner and update the target completion date. When the incident is complete, you can update the status and mark it complete.
    Note: Note: An incident owner can re-open a closed event, investigation or action for the incident they have been assigned to. Only a user with the EHS Manager job role can reopen a closed incident.