Create or Edit an Assignment Rule

You can create, edit, copy, or delete an assignment rule. To begin with creation:

  1. Click the Create Rule button in the Assignment Rules page. A creation page opens.
  2. In the Rule Details region, enter a name in the Rule Name field. In the Object Name field, select one of these values: Safety Incident Details, Safety Incident Event, Safety Incident Investigation, or Safety Incident Action. (See Select an Object for a Rule.)
  3. In a Conditions region, create at least one condition. Or create up to five; each time you complete one, click the Add Another button to create a new row. For each:
    • Select one of six attributes, which are labels that reflect characteristics of users selected as incident reporters.
    • Accept a default Matches any of operator. (No other operators are available.)
    • Enter or select one or more values that are valid for the attribute, and common to the reporters whose incidents you want the rule to select.

    For example, the condition "Country Matches any of Germany, France" would select incidents reported by users who work in either of these countries. (See Work with Conditions.)

  4. In an Assignments region, select professional users who are to be assigned to records of the object you selected in step 2:
    • In an Authorization Type field, select a value that indicates what the professional user is to do. These values vary by object, but as an example, for the Safety Incident Details object they include Safety Incident Owner, Safety Incident Approver, Safety Incident Reviewer, Safety Incident Stakeholder, and Safety Coordinator.
    • In an Assignment Type field, select User to authorize one or more users for the position you selected in the Authorization Type field. Or select Line Manager to authorize the incident reporter's line manager.
    • Complete a User field only if you selected User in the Assignment Type field: Search for and select any number of users. To search, begin to enter text. After you type a few characters, the application displays a list of values that include the text you've typed. You can then select a user from the list. If you selected Line Manager in the Assignment Type field, the User field doesn't accept entries.

    You can select a distinct set of users for each authorization type. When you finish defining the users for one type, click the Add Another button to create a row to select users for another type. You can also remove an assignment row; click its trash-can icon.

  5. Click the Create button.

To edit an assignment rule, click its card on the Assignment Rules page, then click the Edit button. Or to copy a rule, click the Copy Rule button in its card on the Assignment Rules page. In either case, a replica of the create page opens, populated with the values of the rule you opened. To make changes, use the same procedures as you would to create a rule. But note:

  • For an edit or a copy, if you select a new object, you wipe out all of the conditions and assignments created for the original rule. So if you want to change a rule's object, you might be better off creating a new rule.
  • If you copy an object, its default name is "Copy of" followed by the name of the original rule. This prevents conflict with the original rule. You may want to assign a name that's more meaningful to you.
  • The final action for a rule copy is, once again, to click the Create button. When you edit a rule, however, this button is labeled "Update."

To delete a rule, click its card on the Assignment Rules page, then click the Delete button. A message requires you to confirm the deletion; click its Delete button.