Select an Object for a Rule

The object you select for an assignment rule determines the scope of users' activity in resolving health and safety incidents.

As you select an object, you choose one of these values: Safety Incident Details, Safety Incident Event, Safety Incident Investigation, or Safety Incident Action. The Details value represents the record of an incident as it's originally reported, and the other values pertain to items professional users add as they work to resolve the incident.

The rule assigns professional users to records of the object you select. It's triggered to do so when users create those records. For example, if a professional user adds an action to an existing incident, an assignment rule that specifies the Safety Incident Action object assigns users to that action.

Object values also correspond to tabs in the record of an incident in Oracle Fusion Cloud Workforce Health and Safety. Moreover, each object has its own set of positions it can authorize users to fill:

  • When a rule specifies the Safety Incident Details object, it can authorize users as safety incident owners and safety coordinators. These users have full access to all the tabs in an incident record. (So does any user granted the predefined Environment, Health and Safety Manager job role.)
  • A rule may assign users to other positions associated with the Safety Incident Details object: approver, reviewer, or stakeholder. Or it may assign users to positions associated with any other object. These include owner and stakeholder for each object type. For each object other than Safety Incident Event, they also include reviewer, preapprover, and approver. For all these assignments, the rule grants access only to the incident-record tab corresponding to the object you select for the rule.