HMRC File Submission and Retrieval Using a Third Party

The payroll application supports both sending and receiving XML files.

However, if you want to use a third party to do either of these tasks, here's the process for outgoing and incoming files:

  • Outgoing Files: Generate the XML file using the process for Full Payment Submission, Employment Payment Summary, NINO Verification Request or P11D flow. View and download the results and share it with the third party. The third party would need to do these:

    • Add the --TL option to send it as a Test in Live file. By default, the files are Live.

    • Calculate the checksum (IRMARK) and add it into the XML. HMRC provides instructions to do this.

    • Parts of the XML file can be compressed, although this isn't required.


    You need to manage this process manually. The Live submission process locks the archive, so it can't be rolled back. . This won't be done if you didn't run the HMRC File Submission process.

  • Incoming Files: The third party provides you the XML file. Upload the XML file to the UCM and obtain the UCM ID. Run the HMRC Incoming Data Retrieval Process specifying the UCM ID. Therefore, this doesn't use the feature that defaults the next available UCM ID to be uploaded.


    It is recommended that you load the files in order of receipt and manually manage this process.