Payment Register

Generate the Payment Register to verify, reconcile, and audit payment distributions. This report doesn't include payments made to third parties. Use the Third-Party Payment Register to view payments made to third parties.

Submit the Run Payment Register task using the Submit a Flow page from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

Before you run this report, successfully archive your periodic payroll data. For further information see Archive Periodic Payroll Results topic in the Help Center.

Report Parameters

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. The following parameters have special meaning in the context of this report.


Control the results of the report by specifying its scope.

What you set

What it does


Provides a summary of the total amounts paid by payment category, payment type, status, and payment method.


In addition to the Summary report, it includes the complete details for each employee. Use this validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check info.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. The report includes all processes with an effective date on or after this date.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the 'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.


The name of the payroll flow you use to run this report.

Payment Process

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payroll or QuickPay run.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you don't select a value, the application uses the default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Use this field to limit the results to persons belonging to a specific payroll statutory unit (PSU). Click Search and select a value.

Tax Reporting Unit

Use this field to limit the results to persons belonging to a specific tax reporting unit (TRU). Click Search and select a value.

Payroll Relationship Group

Use this field to verify the payments for persons belonging to a specific payroll relationship group.


Use this field to limit the results to a single person.

Payment Type

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payment type.

Leave blank to report all of them.

Payment Method

Use this field to limit the results to a specific payment type.

Leave blank to report all of them.


Use this field to limit the results to a specific location. The report lists the payroll relationship records based on a person's assignment location. The location is listed with the other parameters, but not on the results.

Payment Status

Select the status you want to report on.

What you select

What it means

Canceled and can't be reissued

You have marked the payment as Void, rolled back the prepayment process, and reversed the calculation of the payroll run results.


You processed and issued the payment without error.

Paid externally

You processed the payment was processed but generated it externally. This includes hand-written checks for terminated employees.


You processed the payment was processed, but it was incomplete or encountered errors during payment.


You marked the payment as Void, but it's eligible for reissue. This includes replacing a lost payroll check.


You can configure these statuses in the PAY_STATUS lookup. For further info, see Payment Statuses in the Help Center.

Process Configuration Group

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default group.


Use the Object Groups task to define a payroll relationship group before you can use it here.

Report Category

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don't select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default group.

For further info, see Delivery Options for Extract-Based Payroll Reports in the Help Center.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the report must retain or discard the transient data created during execution of the report.

Select the Debug option only to investigate an issue with the report output or when instructed by Oracle Support.

The default Normal option discards the temporary transient data.

Report Results

The report provides details of the selected payment status for matching persons, filtered by the specified time frame and other parameters.

Report name

What it contains


Provides sections on:

  • Report parameters and sort order

  • Summary of payments


Provides sections on:

  • Report parameters and sort order

  • Summary of payments

  • Details of payments

Use this validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check info.