Third-Party Payment Register

Use the Run Third-Party Payment Register task to report on roll up payments and multi-deduction payments. You can view a summary or detail listing of all third-party payments.

Use Submit a Flow task under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page, and submit the Run Third-Party Payment Register Report flow to run the report.

Before you begin, run the report after calculating and verifying prepayments and generating the payments.

Report Parameters

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, you can run this report for a specific consolidation group or payroll relationship group. You must predefine these groups before you can use them. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.


You control the results of the report by specifying the scope of the report, as given in this table.

Scope Value

Report Results


Provides a list of payments by payee.


Provides details of employee and deduction information for third-party payments.


Select the required payroll name. The report is generated for the selected payroll run.

Process Start Date

Enter a start date to define the date range of this process.

Process End Date

Enter an end date to define the date range of this process.

Consolidation Group

Select a consolidation group to view the payments for all payrolls that are included in this consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. If you don’t select a value, the application uses the default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Statutory Unit

Select a payroll statutory unit (PSU) to view the payments for a specific PSU.

Tax Reporting Unit

Select a tax reporting unit (TRU) to view the payments for a specific TRU.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for terminated employees.


Select the person number to validate payments for each employee, including the payment amount, bank, and check information, as reported in the detailed report.

Process Configuration Group

Select a value if available. Use a process configuration group to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. If you don’t select a process configuration group; the process uses the parameters in the default group.


Use the Object Groups task to define the payroll relationship group or the process configuration group, before you can select it here.


Select the payee for which the check payment process is run, to view the payment details of individual and rollup payments made for each payee.

Use the following parameters to view a list of individual payments, including total amounts paid by payment category, type, status, and method:

  • Payment Category

  • Payment Method

  • Payment Process

  • Payment Type

  • Payment Status

Report Results

The results of the report depend on the scope value you select while running the report, as given below. Both the formats have a page break after every payee, so you can provide the payment details separately to each payee.

Summary Report

The Summary report displays the payments made to each payee by the payment source, payment status, and payment category. The report doesn’t show PSU, TRU, and employee and deduction information. This is because the rollup payments include employees across PSUs and TRUs.

Detail Report

The Detail report has a multiple-tier layout that includes:

  • Payment details of individual and rollup payments made for each payee. Within each payee report, the payments are further segregated into:

    • Employee deduction information for individual payments, including single deductions and multiple deductions

    • Employee deduction information for rollup payments

  • Consolidated totals of each multiple deduction payment and rollup payment

  • Deduction reference details for involuntary deductions stored on the calculation card

    It displays a blank deduction reference if the details are not available.

  • Element name of voluntary deductions

Support for Spreadsheet Tabular Layout

You can create your own template for a tabular output of data in Microsoft Excel file format for both the summary and detail reports.