Payroll Activity Reports

Run the Payroll Activity Report, Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process, or Periodic Payroll Activity Report for payroll verification, validation, and auditing purposes.

Run the Payroll Activity Report at any time to view and reconcile the payroll balances information with the data archived by the periodic payroll archive process.

To run this report, use Submit a Flow under Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.

The Payroll Activity Report provides a high-level summary of all relationship-level balances across various balance categories, payroll statutory units (PSUs), and tax reporting units (TRUs). Use the Payroll Activity report to list for a given time:

  • Balance adjustments for all employees

  • Gross earning calculations

  • Reversals

  • Balance initialization for a selected employee or all employees

  • Payroll or QuickPay runs

Use any of these tasks to run the Payroll Activity Report and view latest process year-to-date and periodic balances.
Report Task Name Purpose
Run Payroll Activity Report Use this task to run the legacy report.
Run Payroll Activity Report for the Latest Process

Use this task to extract the year-to-date (YTD) payroll balances for large volumes of data. The report runs much faster than the legacy report and includes year-to-date totals from the last process run for a person prior to the specified end date, such as the last process run for each TRU.

The results are the same as running the legacy report with the Latest Process YTD Total Only parameter set to Yes.

Run Periodic Payroll Activity Report

Use this task to extract the periodic payroll balances for large volumes of data. The report runs much faster than the legacy report.

The results are the same as running the legacy report with the Latest Process YTD Total Only parameter set to No.


The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. For example, run this report for a specific consolidation group or payroll relationship group. Predefine these groups before you can use them. Most parameters are self-explanatory, while the following have special meaning in the context of this report.


Control the results of the report by specifying the scope of the report, as given in this table.

Scope Value

Report Results


Provides a summary of payroll relationship level balances across all workers by balance category, balance type, TRU, and payroll activity.


Provides the detail of each payroll relationship level balance for every worker in every payroll activity.


Select the required payroll name.

Process Type

The options that you can select include:

  • Payroll Calculation

  • Quick-Pay

  • Reversal

  • Balance Adjustment

  • Balance Initialization

  • Calculate Gross Earning

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an effective date equal to or greater than the Process Start Date is reported.

Process End Data

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the ‘Payroll Run Date’. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.


For offset payrolls, the effective date of the payroll or Quick-Pay run could be after the end date of the payroll period. In such cases, you must ensure that your Process End Date must be on or after the effective date of the process you want to include in the report.


Use this field to view the balance results for employees who have at least one assignment for the selected location. The balance values may not necessarily correspond to the location parameter only. It is also dependent on the dimensions and the other associated contexts.

Consolidation Group

Use this field to run the report against a consolidation group. A consolidation group defines a grouping of different payrolls for reporting purposes. For example, you can use this field to run this report for a subset of payrolls. You can select a value only if you have a predefined consolidation group. If you don’t select a value, the application uses the default consolidation group assigned to the payroll.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Payroll relationship groups limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting. For example, you can create a group to process the report for terminated employees.


You must use the Object Groups task to define the payroll relationship group before you can select it here.


Select the person number to view the balances of an individual employee. If left blank, the report is generated for all active employees. This field is disabled for the summary report.

Person Page Break

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, the report is generated with details per person per page. The default value is No and this field is disabled for the summary report.

Hide Records with Zero Value

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, balances with zero values aren’t displayed in the report.

Latest Process YTD Total Only

The options are Yes and No. If you select Yes, the summary report includes year-to-date total from the last process run for a person prior to the specified end date, such as the last process run for each TRU.

Balances Reported

Use this field to run this report for Payment Balances, Nonpayment Balances, or both, as given in the table below.

Balances Reported Value


Payment only

Includes balances included in the payments process.

Nonpayment only

Includes balances that aren’t included in the payments process.

Field is left blank

Includes all balances.

This field is disabled if Latest Process YTD Total Only is set to Yes and all balances are included in the report.

Display All Hours

Select Yes to include hours from Supplemental Earnings and other element classifications. The default value is No and only hours from Regular or Standard Earnings and Absence Earnings are shown in the report.

Report Results

The report provides details of payroll balance results for matching persons, filtered by the specified time frame and the selected parameters. The results of the report depend on the scope value you select while running the report.

Summary Report

The summary report has these sections:

  • Summary for Balance Categories

  • Summary for Balances

  • Summary for Balances by PSU and TRU

  • Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary

Balances by Payroll and Process Type Summary is displayed when Latest Process YTD Total Only is set to No or left blank.

The summary report displays either payment balances data or nonpayment balances data or both payment and nonpayment balances data together, depending on the Balances Reported parameter.

Detail Report

The detail report includes the above three sections followed by a fourth section that has employee level balances information displayed separately for payment and nonpayment balances. The balances are reported separately for unpaid Balance Adjustments when ‘Include adjustment in payment balance’ is set as No during balance adjustments, and unpaid Reversals.