Payroll Messages Report

Run the Payroll Messages Report to view error, warning, and information messages from payroll processes. Generate the report for a specific flow or for all processes within a specific period.

For example, run the payroll messages report toview errors and warnings for all QuickPay runs for the last month.

The report can be run by a Payroll Administrator or Manager who has security access to the payroll flow pattern for which the report is generated.

Report Parameters

The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. The following parameters have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Start Date

Use this field to specify the first effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. All processes with an effective date same or greater than the Process Start Date are reported.

Process End Date

Use this field to specify the last effective date of the payroll process to include in the report. For Payroll Runs this is the 'Payroll Run Date'. All processes with an effective date equal to or prior to the Process End Date are reported.

Task Name

Select a task, such as Payroll Activity Report, to view the messages generated for a specific task.

Process Type

Select a specific process type such as Payroll Run to limit your report for a specific process type.

Source Flow Name

Select the name of the flow for which you want to generate the messages report.


The name of the payroll flow you use to run this report.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. A payroll relationship group limits the persons included in this report.


Select the name of the person for whom you want to generate the messages report.

Include Information Messages

Select Yes to include information messages. Since the volume of information messages is high, it’s recommended that if you want to view information messages, you generate the report for a specific person or process. The default value for this field is No.

Person Process Status

Select a value to include only those persons with a specific processing status, such as persons In Error, or persons Marked for Retry.

Process Configuration Group

Use this field to run the report for a specific process configuration group, instead of the default one. A process configuration group is used to set rules for payroll processes, such as passwords or number of threads. You can select a value only if you have a predefined process configuration group.


Use the Payroll Process Configuration task to define a Process Configuration Group, before you can use it here.

Run Mode

Use this parameter to decide if the extract-based report must retain or discard the transient data created during the report execution. The default value is Normal, the temporary transient data produced during report execution is discarded.

Report Results

The report is generated in Excel format with separate worksheets for these two types of messages:

  • Person level messages, such as error messages generated when reporting or processing a person.

  • Process level messages, such as messages generated for process failures or execution errors.

After addressing the root causes, you can rerun the payroll process and regenerate the report to ensure all issues are resolved.

As a good practice, it’s recommended that you use the Sort By (Z to A) option on the Messages page to sort and quickly view at a glance specific messages as per your requirement.

Sort the report using the Line Sequence field to view the order in which the messages are generated. This helps you to track when in the process the message was generated. You can then investigate and resolve issues effectively.

Similarly, use the Filters option to filter and view messages as per your requirement.

Each message has a message name and message text. Samples of messages are:

  • Error Message: Formula Salary can’t be executed because the formula isn’t compiled.

  • Warning Message: Net pay exceeds 10, 000.

The report for person level messages also includes the payroll relationship number and assignment number of the person for whom the report is generated.

  • A person can have multiple payroll relationships, but each payroll process is associated with a single payroll relationship and hence the messages for a payroll process is identified with the specific payroll relationship number.

  • Some messages can be specific to an assignment such as a formula issue for a salary element entry and hence is identified by the assignment number.