Retroactive Entries Report

Run the Retroactive Entries Report to view the:

  • Element entries created by the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process

  • Original calculations,

  • Retroactive entries generated by comparing the original result to the recalculated result

The report displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element classification and by each element. The report also displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by the original process that the recalculated results are compared with.

Submit the Run Retroactive Entries Report task from the Payroll Checklist or Submit a Flow page. You can also use the delivered Retroactive Payroll flow to automatically run the Retroactive Notification report, Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process, and the Retroactive Entries Report in that order.


Run this report after you run the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.


The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Many parameters are self-explanatory and are similar to the parameters you submit to run the Calculate Payroll process. The parameters mentioned here have special meaning in the context of this report.


Enter the payroll flow name. This value should be the same as the flow you use to run the Calculate Payroll process.

Payroll Period

Enter the same value you used to run the Calculate Payroll process.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. A payroll relationship group limits the persons processed for payroll and reporting.

Element Group

Select the element group name, if you have defined one. The element group limits data to only those retroactive elements that are members of this group.


Use the Object Groups task to define any of the groups mentioned above before you can select it here.

Report Results

The PDF output of the report has the following sections.

Parameters Section

The parameters section is at the beginning of the report and displays the report parameters and the sort criteria. The sort criteria is: Original Process Date, Original Flow Name, Original Process Type, Original Run Type, Person Name, Payroll Relationship Number, Element Classification, Original Result Element Name, Retroactive Entry Type, Assignment Number, and Retroactive Entry Creation Date.

Element Classifications Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element classification.

Elements Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by each element.

Elements by Original Process Summary

This section displays the number of payroll relationships and total retroactive result value by the original process that the recalculated results are compared with.

Element Details for a Person

This section displays the retroactive entries for each person. For each entry, the original calculation result, if available, is shown and the corresponding retroactive entries that are created after comparing with that original result.