Retroactive Notification Report

Retroactive pay is the recalculation of prior payroll results due to changes that occur after the original payroll calculation is run.

Here are some examples of prior period adjustments:

  • An employee receives a pay award that’s backdated to a previous pay period.

  • The payroll department makes a backdated correction for an error that occurred in a previous pay period.

For example, after evaluating employee performances for the previous calendar year through a three-month review cycle, an employer may backdate the pay awards to 01, January. When such entries are made in April, it triggers retroactive events for employees receiving such pay awards. These employees have already been processed by payroll for the last three months.

A retroactive notification is generated when a retroactive payroll event is generated.

Run the Retroactive Notification Report to view retroactive notifications for events that are awaiting processing, deferred, or both. Run this report before you submit the Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

Use the report to view:

  • Unprocessed retroactive events for each employee, enabling you to identify who are included in Recalculate Payroll for Retroactive Changes process.

  • Event dates that can be used to identify which payroll periods are recalculated by the retroactive process for each employee.

  • Payroll relationships that are previously deferred so that you can make some or all of them available for the next retroactive payroll process.

The earliest date across all notifications for a payroll relationship determines the reprocess date. Reprocessing is done across all runs starting from the reprocess date, as payroll calculations are cumulative.

For example, suppose a monthly paid employee has unprocessed retroactive events for 15, June and 20, August. The retroactive process recalculates payroll results for the June, July and August payroll periods. You can use the report to detect payroll relationships that are previously deferred.

Submit the Run Retroactive Notification Report task from the Submit a Flow page. You can open this page from Payroll in My Client Groups on the Home page.


The parameter values determine which records to include in the report. Many parameters are self-explanatory. Submit the same values as you would provide for the retroactive pay processing.

Here’s the list of parameters that have special meaning in the context of this report.

Process Date

The process date determines which records to process and is the same date as when the retroactive change process is run.


Enter the same payroll flow name as the flow you use to run the retroactive process.

Retroactive Notification Status

This table lists the values you can select to determine the type of events to include in the report.




Includes events for payroll relationships whose retroactive pay processing is deferred.


Includes events that are either awaiting processing or processing.

Both Deferred and Unprocessed

Includes events that are either awaiting processing or processing, or deferred. This is the default value and is a combination of the other two options.


Enter a value to limit your report to a specific employee.

Process Configuration Group

Select the process configuration group, if you have defined one. Use a process configuration group to provide sets of processing parameters, primarily related to logging and performance. If you don't select a process configuration group; the parameters in the default group for the selected payroll is used.

Payroll Relationship Group

Select the payroll relationship group name, if you have defined one. Use a payroll relationship groups to limit the persons processed for payroll, data entry, and reporting.


Use the Object Groups task to define any of the groups mentioned above before you can select it here.

Report Results

This table shows the sections of the PDF output of the report.

Section Name


Parameters Section

The parameters section is at the beginning of the report and displays the report parameters and the sort criteria. The sort criteria is: Notification Status, Retroactive Process Date, Person Name, Payroll Relationship Number, Entity, Batch Name, Attribute, Update Type, Assignment Number, Element Name, Change Effective Date, Actual Change Date and Changed By.

Notification Status Summary

This section shows the total payroll relationships and total events by each type of retroactive notification status. Each payroll relationship may have multiple payroll retroactive events such as assignment updates, element entry updates, and so on. The counts reflect the number of such events that require payroll to be recalculated from a different process date.

Retroactive Process Date Summary

This section shows the different reprocessing dates for the employees and payroll relationships, and the total count of workers and events for each reprocess date. This section gives a quick snapshot of how far back the retroactive reprocessing begins and for how many workers. These totals are also broken down for each retroactive notification status.

Event Type Summary

This section shows the details of the type and number of events that cause recalculation of payroll for a particular reprocess date. You can view the number of payroll relationships and employees, and events by entity and attribute for a particular reprocess date.

Event Details by Retroactive Process Date

This detail section shows the different workers and their event details for the same type of event, reprocess date and notification status, as follows:

  • If the entity is related to elements, the element name is shown as part of the event details. The batch used to make the change, if any, is displayed in the header.

  • If the event is related to assignment, the assignment number is shown.

  • The old value is shown for Update, Delete and Correction events while the new value is shown for Update, Insert and Correction events.

Event Details for a Person

This section sorts and lists all events by each process date and worker. Each payroll relationship has one reprocess date based on the earliest event.

  • The assignment number is shown only for those events that are specific to an assignment.

  • The person number and payroll relationship number are shown along with the person name, in the header.

  • Batch name, if available, and the element name is shown only when the event is related to an element. For all events based on attribute, both the old and new values are shown.